January 23, 2009

New Year's Visit

During the week of New Years, Jeremy and his family came down from Washington for a visit and a project. I don't think Jeremy could come visit and not do some sort of project. He always has to be busy. My mom got her kitchen redone and also a new floor in the dining room. It was really great to see them. Jeremy even saved us some money when Megan fell and busted her chin open. If he wouldn't have been there, we probably would have been in the emergency room. Thanks Jeremy!
Brian and Elijah putting new floor in. It turned out so nice.
Here is the kitchen partially done. This is so different from what I grew up with.
If you want to see the final look go to the link Jello and Pudding on my blog list.

Megan had so much fun with Kas. She spent one night with them in the motor home. She loved it. I think she had Kas wrapped around her little finger. Thanks Kas for being such a great cousin.
This is going to be Megan's new place to play when we go to Gramma and Grampa's. It's a little cubbyhole in my parents room that has mostly been used for storage. We used to play in it when we were little. Oh the memories!

January 8, 2009


The day after Christmas we went to Lakeview Park to try out Megan's new sled. We thought she would really enjoy it but apparently it scared her a little. Apparently the sled was too fast. A couple of times she went down one of the small hills on her bum. Maybe next year.
She really like pulling the sled, but not riding on it.
Ashlyn was a good sport. She went on a couple of rides.

January 2, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas day was also filled with good food and fun. We started the day out with our little family opening gifts at home. Megan was so excited that Santa came. It was so much fun to watch Megan's face as she opened all of her gifts.

Ashlyn opening a gift. She didn't do too bad but was easily distracted.

Megan's favorite present. Santa got her a Handy Manny tool set. She didn't want to open her other presents after she saw this. She loves it.

Megan got a sled from her cousin Porter. She couldn't wait to use it.

After we opened our gifts we headed over to Brian's parents house. I couldn't get a very good picture, but as you can see, it was pretty small.
Megan and Ashlyn opening gifts. By the end of the day I think Megan was tired of opening and just wanted to play. Can't say I don't blame her.

Christmas Eve

We had a great Christmas this year with lots of family and fun. We started by spending Christmas Eve with my family at my parents house. We had good food and a silly candy bar exchange. At the end of the night we drove downtown and looked at all the lights near Indian Creek. It was very beautiful.
Grandma had set up a scavenger hunt for Megan to help pass the time. Some people had to work so we had to wait a little while for them. She thoroughly enjoyed it. When we got done she said "let's do it again!".
The fam eating dinner. Nice faces dad and Ryan.

Mom had a "great" time. It's a root beer but from the other end of the table it sure looked like she was drinking something else.

What an excited face. And we hadn't even opened any presents yet.

That night we left Santa 2 reindeer cookies. Megan said we could only leave 2 because 3 would make him too full. All week she kept asking if the reindeer were coming inside. I told her that their feet were too dirty and they had to stay outside.