Brandon and Stef invited us to go water skiing and of course we said yes. It has been since Megan was born that either of us has gone so we were excited to get the opportunity. I got right up and so did Brian. I guess it's like riding a bike, you never forget how. Megan was a little unsure about the boat ride but Ashlyn loved it.
We tried the life vests on the night before to make sure they fit. The girls wouldn't take them off. They just walked around the house that night ready for a flood.
Ashlyn really enjoyed sitting in the tube. I think she liked the slow rhythm of the waves hitting it.
Ashlyn really enjoyed sitting in the tube. I think she liked the slow rhythm of the waves hitting it.
Do you think she'll be ok? She was wearing water wings, a life vest and was in a tube. We figured she was the safest of us all. She loved kicking herself around in the tube.