I know am really behind in getting these pictures up, but 3 kids is a lot of work and I don't have much free time. I will post more pictures that we have taken since we have been home later.
I would say that her birth was the best out of all three. I pushed through 4 contractions and she was here. This picture was soon after her birth.

You can tell she had just got done crying in this picture. Kind of a
pouty look.

I can't believe I am putting this picture on here. I had to go in to the hospital a day early because of my blood pressure and I hadn't had time to do makeup or hair before I left. The girls were so excited to come see Kalli.

Our three girls.
Ashlyn was absolutely enthralled with Kalli. She didn't want to give her up.

I thought this picture was so sweet.

This is us getting ready to go. Of course, she didn't fit into anything. They are so tiny.
We are so happy to have her here. She is the best little baby.
We love her so much!