September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Megan!


Megan's birthday was August 5. I know, I'm a little late posting this. This year Megan had a party with her friends and she got to pick the theme. You would think that because she is girl she would choose princesses or something along those lines. Nope, she chose tractors. She is such a funny girl. It worked out great anyway because of all the kids that were here, there was only 1 girl. She seems to have more boy friends than girl friends.

This is my attempt at a tractor cake. I think it turned out pretty good. Megan love it.
We had a cut out for the kids to pose behind.
Brian took the kids on a number of tractor rides. I think they really enjoyed it. He told me later that on every ride at least on person either lost their cowboy hat or a flip flop.
We hid a number of farm animals in a pile of straw and the kids had to find them.
A few of the boys at the party.
Megan loves pinatas so we had to get one for the party.
And of course, cake and ice cream. Thanks to all of our friends for coming. It was a great party.


Angie Miller said...

Beni is enough girl for any party. :-)

Verlee said...

awesome cake, and party. sounds totally fun!

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