January 23, 2009

New Year's Visit

During the week of New Years, Jeremy and his family came down from Washington for a visit and a project. I don't think Jeremy could come visit and not do some sort of project. He always has to be busy. My mom got her kitchen redone and also a new floor in the dining room. It was really great to see them. Jeremy even saved us some money when Megan fell and busted her chin open. If he wouldn't have been there, we probably would have been in the emergency room. Thanks Jeremy!
Brian and Elijah putting new floor in. It turned out so nice.
Here is the kitchen partially done. This is so different from what I grew up with.
If you want to see the final look go to the link Jello and Pudding on my blog list.

Megan had so much fun with Kas. She spent one night with them in the motor home. She loved it. I think she had Kas wrapped around her little finger. Thanks Kas for being such a great cousin.
This is going to be Megan's new place to play when we go to Gramma and Grampa's. It's a little cubbyhole in my parents room that has mostly been used for storage. We used to play in it when we were little. Oh the memories!


Tami said...

that little cubby hole looks like so much fun! That is great that Jeremy and his family got to come!

Lacy King said...

That is so cute that your two girls are so close!

Connie said...

Such a darling family. Can't wait to see you in March.

Aunt Connie