August 4, 2010

Our First Injury


I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, I just wasn't sure what they injury would be. Ashlyn was so enthralled with Kalli and her eyes when she was first born. I was in the kitchen and heard Kalli start wailing. I came around the corner and saw these next two images.
Such an innocent little face. But there's menace in those eyes.
Poor Kalli and the skin above her eyes. Ashlyn had tried to open her eyes and scraped the skin above her eyes on both sides. It looked worse in person.


Lori said...

SO SORRY! I can't believe it has taken this long......Luke figured out how to make mommy move really fast (as fast as post-pregnant bodies can move) within the first couple of days.....poor baby Nate. I seriously feel sorry for the younger kids in families, but I'm having faith that they will make it through all the torture. Good luck with future encounters!

Lori said...

Oh, by the way, Kalli is so darling! Love the hair!