October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

My birthday was Sunday the 19th so we celebrated with Brian's family on Friday. Good food and good company. Ham and scallopped potatoes. Yum!

Megan doesn't even like olives,
she just likes to play with them.
My sister stopped by on Sunday with this cake from her and my parents. When I got it, it had a piece missing from the middle, so I just thought I would continue. It seems like the piece missing from the middle is becoming a tradition in my family. I think it must taste the best.
My funny family!
Thanks for a great birthday everyone!


FreeFamWorld said...

Wendy!! Happy Happy Birthday! Looks like it was a good one!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Wendy. I am sure you will have many more too come. I love the whole cake piece missing. That is pretty funny. Oh the things we will remember.

Lori said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!! I hope you had a great day. Can't wait to see you and the fam on Nov. 2 at the early Thanksgiving Day bash. Don't we just love Tammy for always throwing the parties? She is awesome. See you soon.

Verlee said...

haha. happy birthday. I heard about the cake your dad decorated! that is awesome. Hope you had a great day, or weekend!

Tom, Tammy and Jacob said...

Yeah, we are truly funny... or just weird.. haha

Vicki said...

Happy Belated Birthday Wendy! What's with the cake? I don't get it. Sounds like you had lots of fun.