October 15, 2008

Safety First

We practice safety in the van, even with stuffed bunnies. Megan had to make sure her bunny had her seat belt on so she would be safe.


FreeFamWorld said...

What a great example she'll set for all her siblings!

THANK GOODNESS the bunny will be safe in case of an accident.

Alyce Dribnak said...

That reminds me of when Ashley was taught by her Aunt that we wear seat belts cuz we are "law abiding citizens" so when anyone asked her why she would repeat that. She was probably Megans age too. Sooo cute Megan with the little bunny!

Lori said...

Love it! Kids are the best and say the funniest things. I'll be sad when they grow up. How's your mom?

Tendra said...

How funny! By the way, good luck with your nun careers. Your blog made me laugh.

Brandon and Katee said...

Hey Wendy, it's Katee Sharp, Bake now. Just found you on here and was excited! I havne't seen you in forever, your babies are so cute! I have a blog also, brandonandkateebake.blogspot.com
Good to know you are on here!